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CodeWars Coding & Logo Design Competition 2023

"Creative Design & Multimedia Institute had Organized a CodeWars Coding"


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    Congratulations on your well-deserved success! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have truly paid off. Wishing you continued achievements and even greater triumphs in the future!

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    Congratulations on your outstanding performance in the CodeWars competition! Your dedication, problem-solving skills, and perseverance have truly paid off. You've showcased exceptional talent and determination, and your achievements are truly commendable. Keep up the fantastic work, and may your passion for coding continue to lead you to even greater success in the future!

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    Dhruvish Lathiya

    April 21, 2024 at 02:28 pm

    Congrats on your CodeWars victory! Your coding prowess shines bright. Keep up the great work!

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